Booking a Hypnosis Session with San Diego / Los Angeles Consulting Hypnotist Elena Mosaner (Beloff) is as easy as picking up the phone or sending us an email. While results may very from person to person, with hypnosis therapy you may Shed Extra Pounds, Stop Smoking, Overcome Performance Anxiety, Release Harmful Habits, Heal a Broken Heart, Motivate for Success, Manage Stress and more. Brand new self-improvement audio products are also available.
Elena Mosaner (Beloff) is an NGH Certified Consulting Hypnotist and Master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree from the New School University and Master’s in Science in Executive Coaching from University of Texas. Elena has been practicing clinical hypnosis for over ten years.
During Hypnosis we will use several methods to help your mind be open the hypnosis and stay with you over time. These may include:
- Suggestions
- Metaphors
- Guided Imagery
- Self-Hypnosis
Read on each of these by clicking the tabs above or by visiting our Self-Hypnosis page.

How many times were you inspired by a great story (from film or book) that bore some existential message or a lesson that resonated with you and maybe helped you see things better and with a new perspective? Such stories are hypnotic in nature, because their messages teach us something new and often change they way we think and behave.
Short stories, tales, symbols and analogies are often used as metaphors in trance. Dr. Milton Erickson was one of the proponents of using metaphors as an indirect method to plant suggestions for well-being. Metaphors can help one discover resources necessary for change, facilitate new patterns of thinking, and enhance one’s belief in the ability to transform and grow. For example a metaphor like ” imagine a flower opening graciously petal by petal, ” described with colorful paints, details and olfactory add-ons can be associated with an indirect suggestion like “as you see it, feel it and smell it, you naturally allow your creativity to blossom ever so beautifully from now on…”

Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
When the person is in deep mental and physical relaxation it becomes much easier to visualize and imagine things, just like when dreaming at night. In hypnosis, I often use guided imagery to help my clients capture a full picture of their desired reality, like a perfect performance, presentation or making a perfect shot in sports and etc. Once your mind perceives your desired outcome with visual, auditory, kinesthetic (sometimes olfactory and gustatory) senses, your mind will motivate you to achieve your goal in a wake state, directing your actions in a more resourceful way. Guided imagery can also reduce pain, lessen blood loss during surgery and reduce blood pressure.

Booking a Hypnosis Session with San Diego / Los Angeles Consulting Hypnotist Elena Mosaner (Beloff) is as easy as picking up the phone or sending us an email. While results may very from person to person, with hypnosis therapy you may Shed Extra Pounds, Stop Smoking, Overcome Performance Anxiety, Release Harmful Habits, Heal a Broken Heart, Motivate for Success, Manage Stress and more. Brand new self-improvement audio products are also available.
Elena Mosaner (Beloff) is an NGH Certified Consulting Hypnotist and Master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree from the New School University and Master’s in Science in Executive Coaching from University of Texas. Elena has been practicing clinical hypnosis for over ten years.
During Hypnosis we will use several methods to help your mind be open the hypnosis and stay with you over time:
- Suggestions
- Metaphors
- Guided Imagery
- Self-Hypnosis
Read on each of these by clicking the tabs below or by visiting our Self-Hypnosis page.
Suggestions are important in the process of hypnosis. Suggestions are belief statements or affirmations. I help my clients identify their limiting beliefs that lie in the core of their problem by using a set of NLP meta model questions and thorough interviewing. Limiting beliefs are then reframed into positive and empowering belief statements & suggestions. Suggestions are instilled in the unconscious mind once the person is in a state of receptivity, like trance or a state of focused attention.
How many times were you inspired by a great story (from film or book) that bore some existential message or a lesson that resonated with you and maybe helped you see things better and with a new perspective? Such stories are hypnotic in nature, because their messages teach us something new and often change they way we think and behave.
Short stories, tales, symbols and analogies are often used as metaphors in trance. Dr. Milton Erickson was one of the proponents of using metaphors as an indirect method to plant suggestions for well-being. Metaphors can help one discover resources necessary for change, facilitate new patterns of thinking, and enhance one’s belief in the ability to transform and grow. For example a metaphor like ” imagine a flower opening graciously petal by petal, ” described with colorful paints, details and olfactory add-ons can be associated with an indirect suggestion like “as you see it, feel it and smell it, you naturally allow your creativity to blossom ever so beautifully from now on…”
Einstein once said ,”Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” When the person is in deep mental and physical relaxation it becomes much easier to visualize and imagine things, just like when dreaming at night. In hypnosis, I often use guided imagery to help my clients capture a full picture of their desired reality, like a perfect performance, presentation or making a perfect shot in sports and etc. Once your mind perceives your desired outcome with visual, auditory, kinesthetic (sometimes olfactory and gustatory) senses, your mind will motivate you to achieve your goal in a wake state, directing your actions in a more resourceful way. Guided imagery can also reduce pain, lessen blood loss during surgery and reduce blood pressure.
I teach my clients how to use self-hypnosis and positive affirmations on a day-to-day basis. Powerful affirmations can be repeated out loud in the morning or before going to bed at night. Self-hypnosis techniques, like for example eye catalepsy or counting backwards can enhance a state of receptivity to suggestions in self-hypnosis.
Hypnosis F.A.Q.
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. It is very similar to the state of meditation, focused attention, or a dream-like state. While in the state of hypnosis your critical thinking is bypassed and selective thinking is established. Hypnotherapists use relaxation techniques to induce a receptive state of mind. During hypnosis, the client is given positive suggestions, deliberately designed affirmations, as part of the new growth mindset in line with client’s goals.
Hypnosis can be used for a variety of things. It is widely used to overcome bad habits and to help establish new behavior patterns. In general, hypnosis is used to program the mind to change a person’s belief system around a specific behavior. Since hypnosis involves deep mental relaxation, processes like guided visualization and mental forwarding can be used to enhance motivation and confidence in the desired outcomes.
Absolutely anyone with normal intelligence (or above) can be hypnotized, as long as they willing to follow the instructions of a hypnotist.
Yes, but this doesn’t happen in a hypnotherapist office. Your hypnosis practitioner has only one goal in mind: to help you achieve your goals.
When looking for the right practitioner, look for the hypnotherapist’s certifications, academic degrees, overall track record and online reviews. The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) is one of the top organizations in the U.S., certifying hypnotherapists who are licensed therapists or at least have obtained a Master’s degree. The National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) is one of the oldest certifying bodies in America. It has several certification, education and training programs. It is helpful if your practitioner holds a therapist license or is an Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coach federation (ICF), in order to provide a quality service and adhere to the community standards and Code of Ethics as required by the community and/or the organization.
The number of sessions depends on the issue you are working on. In general, at least two sessions are recommended. All hypnosis sessions are recorded for you to use as a maintenance program after your hypnosis sessions are complete.
Hypnosis Program Sessions
After a series of hypnotherapy sessions you will learn how to use self-hypnosis and positive affirmations on a day-to-day basis to start your day off right and keep you centered and focused on your goals.
Through hypnosis we give you powerful suggestions and teach you how to use metaphors to bring your goals into focus. I help you identify your limiting beliefs that lie in the core of your problem by using a set of NLP meta model questions and thorough interviewing. Limiting beliefs are then reframed into positive and empowering belief statements and suggestions. Metaphors are then used to help you discover the resources necessary for change, facilitate new patterns of thinking, and enhance one’s belief in the ability to transform and grow.
Einstein once said ,”Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” When the person is in deep mental and physical relaxation it becomes much easier to visualize and imagine things, just like when dreaming at night. In hypnosis, I often use guided imagery to help my clients capture a full picture of their desired reality, like a perfect performance, presentation or making a perfect shot in sports and etc. Once your mind perceives your desired outcome with visual, auditory, kinesthetic (sometimes olfactory and gustatory) senses, your mind will motivate you to achieve your goal in a wake state, directing your actions in a more resourceful way. Guided imagery can also reduce pain, lessen blood loss during surgery and reduce blood pressure.
Are you tired of yo-yo diets, promises from programs that just don’t work? Are you ready to make real changes in your life that will support your weight loss goals? If so, then AlphaMind Hypnosis can help!
One of the main causes for weight gain is poor eating habits and lack of exercise. It is possible to lose weight if you build a healthy relationship with food and exercise regularly. Everyone knows how to lose weight: Hypnosis can help you eat mindfully, stay away from bad food and crave daily exercise. Hypnosis is of clear value helping people with weight loss, by establishing two healthy patterns: eating healthy and exercising regularly making them part of the unconscious programming. You can determine how often you want to exercise, and the type of exercise you prefer. All of this information can be communicated to your unconscious mind during the state of hypnosis.
Hypnosis for Focus, Motivation, and Productivity
I spend time with my clients writing their personal story of success, consisting of specific positive affirmations according to their goals. For instance, for a writer who needs focus and motivation to write a screenplay or a novel, I would give suggestions like “You are able to focus on writing the most intricate stories. It is easy for you to extricate stories out of your unconscious mind. All of your wisdom, knowledge and experience from your current or previous existence comes streaming right through you in the most unimaginable ways. You see your theme, your characters and narratives with great clarity.”
Mental Focus is like a lens in your camera. It can be blurry unless you adjust into focus. In your daily life you can enhance your focus when you read, write, have a conversation or learn something. All you need to do is make your mind alert and start actively listening or reading with interest.
Sometimes people lose focus because they get distracted, or because the information comes too fast. This can cause negative beliefs, hindering your focus further.
Learn More about Hypnosis for Focus, Motivation, and Productivity
Hypnosis for Stress Management
Stress is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs your mental and physical equilibrium. A stressful event can trigger a rising of hormones such as adrenaline or cortisol, caused by the natural fight-or-flight response. A minor stress can keep you on your toes or even make you more productive and focused. However, a prolonged chronic stress can cause detrimental effects on your health, both mind and body.
If you live in a big city, such as Los Angeles, then you probably know how stressful life can be, working long hours, travelling long distances, dealing with stressful situations at work or home. The more involved you are in your busy life, the more stressors will continue to surmount all around. Every person’s life situation and story is unique. Triggers and reactions to stress vary from person to person. Your stress may be coming from work and your boss, it can be from the certain family members, it can be your employees or a project that you have to finish.
What makes a huge difference is your reaction to your environment and stress.The best way to solve unpleasant feelings and stress caused by your environment is to regain your personal balance and inner peace. You can achieve that through regular meditation practice or self-hypnosis. When you feel calm, relaxed, collected and grounded – you can deal with almost any stress and negativity. Regular meditation practice or self-hypnosis are powerful tools to help you keep your mental balance.
Hypnosis for Love & Relationships
Often people can’t find a mate because they are either not open to relationships, or think they are not deserving or ready. Other times they behave in a way that is not attractive to the potential mate. Even at times choosing to remain in fear of not meeting the right person that they will pass up a good person because they can’t see the good in the person.
Love is something you definitely want to be positive about and having a positive mind really is important in attracting the right mate. Happiness from within will help you in finding a happy person into your life. In training your mind you can in fact change your love life in entirely. Hypnosis will help you on the path of love. If you have any blocks or limiting beliefs you will be able determine them and release them through hypnosis as well.
You can use hypnosis therapy to improve your relationships, build trust, overcome fears and release jealousy.
Through hypnosis therapy you can resolve and release emotional blocks and negative beliefs which hinder you from having a healthy relationship.
Hypnosis for Overcoming Relationship Break Ups
There isn’t a more powerful remedy for a broken heart than TIME. Time can help you soothe your pain, distance you from missing the pleasant memories of the relationship or hurting from the painful. With time you can learn to let go and move on. With time you begin to understand the meaning of the relationship and why it ended and what you have learned from it. You begin to see the bigger picture and how it changed you and how it made you grow. Every person heals a broken heart, it is just the matter of time.
Hypnosis can help you heal a broken heart and forget a person. By using “a time forward thinking” while in deep trance, you can let go and move on with your life much faster. Hypnosis can help quicken the healing process time while conditioning you to be more positive and energetic.
You can use hypnosis to help you heal a broken heart. Future pacing in the state of hypnosis can help you embrace a new chapter in your life, detached and removed from your ex. While in the state of hypnosis you will be given positive powerful suggestions to move on, to let go, to release old feelings associated with the ex. Also, you will be helped to determine any lessons derived from the relationship, so you can understand the wisdom and easily move on, and open up to a new phase in your life and a new healthier relationship.
Learn More about Hypnosis for Overcoming Relationship Break Ups
Hypnosis for Sexual Performance Anxiety
Sexual Performance Anxiety is a very real thing it does not matter what gender you are. If you have difficulty feeling intimate with anyone, the thought of being close to someone terrifies you, or just you not having the confidence to be intimate with anyone can really and will really keep you at a stalemate when it comes to sexual relationships. Some people choose to not say or do anything about this dilemma in their life because they think it might be to taboo but I am here to say it is not.
Many people face this problem every day. It’s a lot more common than anyone realizes. The problem is being ashamed to admit you might have a problem and seek professional help for it. That is quite alright because I am here to assure you this is the best and most safest way to seeking professional help. Hypnosis can really make the difference in your life.
Besides, hypnosis helping you with your sexual performance anxiety there are a few audio files you can listen to that will help as well.
Overcome Social Anxiety with Hypnotherapy
Do you find yourself wishing you were more confidant in social situations? Tired of sitting in the corner while others have fun? Now is your chance to break out of your shell and join the crowd! And most importantly, without worry or fear!
Social anxiety is a general anxiety associated with being in public or interacting with other people in a social setting. Usually people with social anxiety experience an inability to speak or express themselves freely with other people. They tend to be in their head and self-judgmental which keeps them from enjoying the moment and living a full life. With hypnosis, you can take control of your emotions and reduce the worry and anxiety that comes with uncomfortable situations.
It is unfortunate that such negative beliefs statements in one’s mind affect a person’s behavior in a negative way. Rendering us paralyzed in times of socializing it affects us in more ways than we understand. Relationships always seem to fail, work situations not improving, and just an overall sense of feeling helpless in your inability to interact with others. Keeping yourself sheltered becomes part of your everyday life but hypnosis can help with the anxieties and having you lead a much more productive life.
Learn More about how to Overcome Social Anxiety with Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis for Fears and Phobias
A fear or phobia is stored in your unconscious mind, making you believe the messages of the fear. Most of the time, the messages revolve around “something bad is going to happen,” “I may get hurt,” “I could die,”etc. It is important to rationalize the source of the fear, and convince the mind you are safe and secure in a given context or a specific environment where the fear is normally triggered.
Fears and Phobias can lead to some very negative traits in one’s life. Not being able to get things done, go somewhere, eat something, or look at something can leave a person paralyzed in their own life. Not leading their life to their fullest potential. Fears and phobias area a very serious thing to a weak mind.
Hypnosis can be a a huge benefit for anyone with fears and phobias. Giving the person the power to take back their mind; their life. Feeling strong and empowered can lead to a very confident person, mind, and life. Hypnotherapy will help you design a script with a new set of positive beliefs to reinforce your confidence and help you remain calm.
Quit Smoking with Hypnosis
Are you finally ready to quit smoking? Tired of being dependent on that cigarette first thing in the morning, or last thing at night? Tired of the looks people give you when you are smoking in public? Well we can help!
You can stop smoking cigarettes in just one hypnosis session. Making you a permanent non-smoker. Smoking cessation hypnosis is very strategic and you don’t have to be a believer in order for it to work. During your hypnosis session, your hypnotherapist will go over the basics of smoking cessation, teach you self-hypnosis techniques, and offer a substitution technique for cigarette cravings. With these tools you can become a non-smoker in one single session.
Overcome Harmful and Bad Habits with Hypnosis
Hypnosis is widely used to help people overcome bad habits. Most bad habits are associated with some positive feeling of satisfaction or comfort. These associations are stored in your unconscious mind and were formed at some point in your life. Sometimes, in the case with bad habits, all your mind “knows” is, how comfortable it makes you feel to bite your nails, pick your skin or pull your hair, while logically you know it is unpleasant, un-appealing and overall useless.
Nail biting, hair pulling, skin picking, thumb sucking, smoking are all common bad harmful habits that can easily be overcome with hypnosis and replaced with new positive and healthy habits. Instead, you can be programmed to take care of your nails and skin, to exercise moderately and comfortably, and lead an overall healthy lifestyle.
It doesn’t matter when and how they were formed, because for hypnosis all we need to do is program your mind with new specific affirmations about the negative aspects of your habit and the positive consequences of overcoming it. Through hypnosis you can rewire these associations and remove the old patterns. You will stop the bad habit and never come back to it.
Learn More about how to Overcome Harmful and Bad Habits with Hypnosis
Learn Self-Hypnosis to unlock the power of your mind and achieve your goals easier than ever before.
Use Audios to help guide your through your self-hypnosis sessions for maximum effect.
Gain Full Control of your daily life to reduce anxiety and stress and start living a healthier life.
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More about Hypnosis
Hypnosis was discovered more than several hundreds of years ago and since then it has been looked upon as both a special state or a special process. I prefer to view hypnosis as a process of transmitting ideas which requires a special state of receptivity, like for example a state of focused attention, daydreaming or simply trance. This process results in a behavioral change in a subject.
The ways with which such states of receptivity to suggestions are induced have evolved throughout the history of humankind. Frantic dancing around the fire in primitive societies, chanting in Sleep Temples in Ancient Greece or beliefs in the power of magnetism during the times of mesmerism in 1700’s – were all ways to induce the states of receptivity to suggestions.
Today, the methods we use to induce the states of receptivity are no longer mysterious; they are now understood from a scientific view-point. For example, Dr. Milton Erickson’s hypnotic inductions have been replicated and are now widely used by modern clinical hypnotists. Also, the Relaxation Response technique by Dr. Herbert Benson (1975) has been subjected to the strict standards of Western Scientific Medicine: measurability, predictability and reproducibility.
Clinical hypnosis is not faith healing. You don’t have to believe in it in order for it to work. You don’t have to believe in any deity or supernatural ability of a hypnotist either. There is a simple formula to hypnosis: a state of receptivity followed by suggestions. The state of mental and physical relaxation, required for programming of the mind in clinical hypnosis – can be naturally induced with a variety of hypnotic inductions.
Finally, anyone with normal intelligence (or above) who is willing to follow the instructions of a hypnotist can be hypnotized.
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Elena Mosaner, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP, PCC, MS
Owner and Operator of AlphaMind Technologies, LLC La Jolla, CA 92037
Serving San Diego, Los Angeles and everywhere in between.
Contact us by phone, email or via the form
1.858.848.9035 |
Serving San Diego, Los Angeles and everywhere in between.
Contact us by phone, email or via the form below