888 Prospect St Suite 200, La Jolla, CA 92037 | 858.848.9035|info@alphamindhypnosis.com

Covid 19 hypnosis products and sessions, helpful tips and free content

Many of us have been seeing special discounts and offers due to the recent events of Covid 19 pandemic .

At AlphaMind Hypnosis and Coaching, we offer special discounts and offers for products and hypnosis sessions. You may look into hypnosis sessions fo smoking cessation, anxiety relief, immune system boost and more. We also offer weekly and bi-weekly coaching sessions.

In the meantime, download our special free hypnosis products, like hypnosis sessions, booklets and self-hypnosis video lessons and watch the videos below.

Please view the below videos to learn more about self-hypnosis, and ways to establish safety and protection against coronavirus.

10 self-hypnosis techniques to RELAX, Calm Down and to Program yourself for anything.

How to avoid touching your face with self-hypnosis for your Health and Safety.

Two self-hypnosis techniques to help you stop smoking now and live a healthy life.


For more information or to schedule your San Diego hypnotherapy online via zoom with please call 858 848 9035.

By | 2020-04-16T05:39:53+00:00 April 16th, 2020|Hypnosis, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Covid 19 hypnosis products and sessions, helpful tips and free content

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